Post Me_New ID-Forum Day One Arrival

First impression of arriving at Hellerau  – incredible calmness. Silence, and the monumental pillars of the building. Not a single human in sight – only a while later I discovered that everybody was already inside, intently expecting the first keynote of Post Me_New ID to commence. I savored the calmness for just a little bit longer. The silence above the trees overlooking the city was heavy and tangible, and being the ever-the-eideteker that I am I couldn’t resist recalling those lines by you-know-who:

Ãœber allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh‘, In allen Wipfeln Spürest Du Kaum einen Hauch;

And then it burst out in what was for me a rapid bobsled ride through meeting faces familiar and new, the keynote, the discussion, moar discussion in the foyer, the bar, the public and secret smoker’s hideouts, crescendoing late at night with the quickfire presentations and cooling off for the day at Mezcalero and environs.

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