Invitation to international competition CYNETART 2012
CYNETART is an international festival for computer based art in Dresden. The 16th Edition of the festival will present an exhibition of the winning projects and selected competition entries, first-class performances and an evening program with live sets of international electronic musicians and VJs at the Festspielhaus Hellerau and other selected spots in Dresden. upcoming festival: 15 to 21 November 2012 | at the Festspielhaus Hellerau | Dresden | GermanyEvery two years TMA Hellerau hosts this international competition of CYNETART, inviting artists and art groups to present or realise their projects. Artists and groups can apply with projects that fully utilise digital technologies in their conceptual, creative and performing processes, thereby opening up opportunities for digital performance and their relationship to factors such as time, space, physical presence and social encounters. An international jury with representatives from well-established media culture institutions and experienced scientists with a background in media art history will decide about the winner of the CYNETART award and the sponsorship award. It will also decide on the award of the artist-in-residence-scholarship funded by the Ministry of Culture. The artist-in-residence-scholarship is available to german citizens only.
The competition is open to artists, designers and scientists who dedicate themselves in their artistic and reflective discussion in particular interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches.
awards 2012
- »Förderpreis der Kunstministerin des Freistaates Sachsen« in the amount of 10,000 EUR, in 2013 realization of a project,
- »Artist-in-Residence - Stipendium der Kunstministerin des Freistaates Sachsen« 2013 (awarded in cooperation with the Office of Cultural and Historic Preservation, City of Dresden, 10.200 EUR)
- CYNETART Award, amounting to 5,000 EUR, donated by HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts Dresden,
- The allocation of additional CYNETART prices is intended.
Application deadline: 30 March 2012 (( ! extended :: 15. April 2012 ))

OR send a signed submission form and documents to:
[ Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. ]
[ CYNETART office ]
[ Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 56 ]
[ 01109 Dresden ]
[ Germany ]
CYNETART Festival 2012: 15 to 21 November 2012 | at the Festspielhaus Hellerau | Dresden | Germany
Festspielhaus Hellerau:
Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. and Hellerau – European Center for the Arts Dresden
[ project management: Thomas Dumke ]
[, header: CYNETART 2012]
Tel: [ +49.351.889 66 65 ]
[subject to modifications!]
Förderpreis der Kunstministerin des Freistaates Sachsen
The sponsorship award of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts is designed to support a project realisation.
Please submit a project idea which is not realised yet when applying for the sponsorship award. The realised projects will be firstly presented at CYNETART 2012.
Artist-in-Residence-Stipendium der Kunstministerin des Freistaates Sachsen
The jury of CYNETART also suggests the winner of the grant of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts in cooperation with the City of Dresden. The jury makes two further suggestions, in case an alternative is needed. The grant may be awarded to a younger artists who lives in Germany or to a younger German artist who lives abroad. The participants of the CYNETART competition are included in the group of artists from which the jury chooses the winner of the grant.
The grant is designed to allow for the artist to focus fully on his or her work for a certain amount of time. The main interest of the artist should be located in the field of realtime processing. The artist in residence is selected on the basis of his or her method of working and previous projects. The duration of the residency in Dresden is subject to individual arrangement. However, it cannot exceed six months. The artist in residence receives a monthly grant of 1,000 Euros and, if the case may be, additional expenditure. Accommodation can be provided. The possibilities of work are arranged in accordance with Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau.
REGULATIONS / CYNETART cfp / competition 2012
CYNETART 2012 is organized by the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. in cooperation with Hellerau – European Centre for the Arts Dresden.
A valid submission includes the completed application form, additional material about the work or the work itself or a documentation of the project (compulsory for performances and installations). Do not send us your valuable originals.
* Submissions must be made in the German or English language.
* The short synopsis of the project must be in English (800 characters max).
* The participant (or team of authors) may not submit more than a maximum of two works.
* Works which already won a CYNETART award or which received a CYNETART recognition must not be submitted a second time.
* The completion of the work or of the submitted project outline must not date back further than two years (i.e. date of completion may be 2009, 2010, or 2011).
* The application form (PDF) must be completed.
* The application is preferably made by using a print version of the downloadeble pdf document (submission form). See on top.
All materials of your submission for the CYNETART Competition 2010 must also be supplied in electronic format (CD-ROM/DVD, email (small files), download spaces (like in a seperate and unique file (e.g. not be split into several files). The electronic format must contain exactly the same application as the paper version.
A valid postal submission includes among others
* work description and short synopsis of the project (800 characters max)
* technical details of the work (hardware, software)
* details and technical rider for the presentation of the work
* biographical details about the author(s) of the work
* The copy or the documentation of the work must be submitted on a commonly used medium.
* Return of submitted material: The submitted projects (including project descriptions) will be retained. If their return is required, include Euro 10 in stamps for returns within Germany, for international returns, include Euro 10 in your entry.
The participants receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email. All submissions are assigned a registration number. This number must be stated when communicating with the CYNETART team.
The submitted work is not admitted to enter the competition, if the terms and conditions are not observed. In those cases, the work is not presented to the jury and the person who submitted the work is notified.
(Förderpreis der Kunstministerin sowie Artist-in-Residence Stipendium der Kunstministerin)
* Participants must be younger artists who live in Germany or younger German artists who live abroad.
* The general terms and conditions of participation apply
The international expert jury names the award winners (CYNETART-Award and Förderstipendium der Kunstministerin). The jury suggests the winner of the artist in residence grant of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts 2012, wherefore it suggests a list of three artists, in case an alternative is needed.
The award-winning entries will be shown at the CYNETART 2012 festival, which means that a presentation of the work of art should be possible. Furthermore the organiser will do a selection of entries to be presented. All award-winning works shown at CYNETART will also be included and illustrated in the catalogue, published on the occasion of the festival.
With submission the artist confirms that no rights to submitted material lies with third parties. The participant transfers the right to use one-minute clips for PR and information purposes to the organiser. Those submissions which are selected for presentation may be used for presentation purposes of non-commercial nature and for the purpose of documentation by the organiser. The CYNETart competition excludes the possibility of recourse to legal action.
The exhibited works will be documented in the festival catalogue.
Tags: 2012, award, cfp, competition, CYNETart, cynetart2012, tma, wettbewerb