Sound Islands Schlosspark Großharthau

Together with the municipality of Großharthau, we will implement Klanginseln Schlosspark Großharthau, a one-week summer residence with a public event in Schlosspark Großharthau. With the participation of sound artists and musicians from the region, cross-generational participation offers as well as an exhibition and mediation programme will be implemented in Großharthau and Wachau in the summer of 2023. We are interested in the significance of sound for our coming together and the search for practices to raise awareness of ecological sound generation.

1 _ Off-Grid Programme Großharthau is a nine-day residency for artists and experts that takes up the site-specific situation (cultural landscape of Schlosspark Großharthau) in order to sensitise people to the ecological design of self-made sound instruments by means of artistic research and approaches of mutual knowledge transfer.

2 _ Workshop offerings in the Großharthau Castle Park Participatory outdoor workshop offerings will take place in the Großharthau Castle Park from 11 August, starting at 3 p.m. each day, which are dedicated to cross-generational participation in the joint construction of instruments and sound sculptures, spatial sound recordings and sound experiments.


3 _ Klanginseln Großharthau will be opened for strolling in a sound island parcour in Schlosspark Großharthau on the afternoon of 12 August 2023. Then, the results of the workshops and the residencies will be presented to the public.

4_ Exhibition of the Islands of Sound in Wachau - will be open to the public from 10 to 18 September 2023 with individual exhibits from the residencies and workshop programme Großharthau in the KulturReWIR Wachau, and a mediation programme will be offered for the students.

Tilman Pätzold, tilman.paetzold[[AT]]

Press Mailings

TMA Hellerau
The TMA Hellerau is an association for the promotion of international young artists who develop transdisciplinary projects for digital and physical artistic practices using means of artistic research. With the project »Marke Eigenklang«, funded by the LEADER programme, the TMA Hellerau is involved with extracurricular educational offers in the Westlausitz region, combining methods of media education with methods of teaching Do-It-Yourself instrument making and raising awareness of the diverse possibilities of generating sound.

Gemeinde Großharthau; ORLA e.V, KulturReWIR; Steinleicht e.V.; Kunstresidenz Kodekü; LAND.SCHAFFT.SOUND; metaknoten Kollektiv
