7. und 8. September 2011
CYNETART presents itself at the ICAS-Suite, showing the more musical side ndash; within the BERLIN MUSIC WEEK 2011 – together with our partner festivals UNSOUND Krakau, ROKOLECTIV Bukarest and INSOMNIA Tromsø.
Links: ClubTransmediale @Resident Advisor, @FaceBoo
As head of mission CYNETART sends our Dresden based Homies Jacob Korn & Cuthead a.k.a. Kornhead into Berlin's Blumenbar venue. Both artists started in full effect as part of the new record Label Uncanny Valley during the last time. Please see all big German music magazines for this. ; ) Jacob Korn brought his record "She" lately. At the same time he is collaborating and developing interactive environments since years, especially for dancefloors and in the context of CYNETART and the Trans-Media-Akademie, especially under the project names "Interactive Dancefloor" and "Automatic Clubbing", latest with participation in work at the »Switchboy«.
THURSDAY 8.9.2011 23.00
venue 1: Blumenbar › Prinzenstrasse 85 / 10969 Berlin
Rochite (RO, live) | Jacob Korn & Cuthead aka Kornhead (DE, Uncanny Valley, live) | Cosmin TRG (RO, Rush Hour, Tempa, DJ) | Jam City (UK, Night Slugs, DJ) | Cos Mir (RO, DJ)

Behind the moniker Galina Hardgrove you find the music loving part of the grafic designer Natalja Pomozova, who came from Riga over Dresden now living in Berlin to date. She turns the records for openminded people, finding the right moods n grooves, to date already together with DJ's and Mucicians like Spunky, Elbee Bad, Tiny or Juno6. During her sets you can expect ligthing House music, soulful Techno and experimentel disco sounds.
WEDNESDAY 7.9.2011 22.00Uhr
venue 2: PALOMA › Skalitzerstrasse 134 / 10999 Berlin Kreuzberg
ICAS-Suite : INSOMNIA! festival (Tromsø) & CYNETART (Dresden)
Boska (NO, DJ) | Charlotte Bendiks (NO, DJ) | Galina Hardgrove (LV, DJ) | DJ JSN (NO)
Networking Tomorrows Art for an Unknown Future
The purpose of the Network ECAS and his international equivalent, ICAS, is to feature known and unknown projects in an intercultural exchange from country to country and even continent to continent. The Dresden based creative agency intolight, which is already strongly part of the development of interactive dancefloors, together with the CYNETART festival and his association, the Trans-Media-Academy, could already present the special Tool CHET at the Clubtransmediale (CTM'11) and at the FutureEverything Festival in Manchester. CHET stands for Collective Hedonistic Environments Toolkit. In Manchester intolight even won the ECAS Award. Please see »Switchboy« for more info on that.
FUTURE - Preview of CYNETART ICAS events
Other realisations in cooperation follow this autumn at the norwegian Insomnia festival in Tromsø as well as in November at CYNETART 2011 in Dresden. Im december 2011 CYNETART will create an active programme at the SOCO festivals in Montevideo South America and at MUTEK.CL in Santiago de Chile. CYNETART will also be part of the upcoming MUTEK Festival in Montreal.