InterLAB: Cairo-Dresden

In the pioneer-project InterLAB creates creative playgrounds based on new technologies between emerging media artists and computer scientists from Dresden and Cairo. InterLAB visitors are invited to try out an intercultural exchange that is multi-sensual and tangible.
EVENTS 2013:
16th to 22nd of February: InterLAB Workshop @ TMA Labor
22nd & 23rd of February: Connected Presentation: Dresden & Cairo
6th to 28th of April: presentation within Downtown Contemporary Art Festivals (d-CAF) in Cairo
InterLAB offers creative spaces based on new technologies between emerging media artists and computer scientists from Dresden and Cairo. These interactive spaces are dedicated to alternative possibilities of long distance communication. InterLAB visitors will be given the unique chance to explore and test futuristic communication devices. Cutting-edge technologies combined with creative and artistic thinking will enable unforeseen encounters and exciting interactions. What would you feel if people in Dresden would control sound, smell, light and much more in your environment? Wouldn’t it be weird to feel the presence of distant persons intimately close to you?
InterLAB is a dynamic and vibrating platform for communication and creation of artistic interactive devices. InterLAB aims to be an open space for young creatives from all over the world who want to do border crossing projects going beyond usual cooperations.
How did it start? In the first phase InterLABs participants didn’t meet in person. Before the beginning of the project they even didn’t know each other. The only information they had about each other were virtual. Nevertheless, they started a collective project. During an intense exchange they created, developed and merged their ideas online. Result? An interactive space dedicated to alternative ways to communicate. Visitors in Cairo and Dresden were invited to try out and test the futuristic tools/prototypes for communication developed by InterLAB members. Many questions emerged during this process. The most crucial one focused on exploration of what, beyond text and speech, is needed in order not only to communicate, but also to understand each other.
What’s next?
At d-CAF festival InterLAB is reaching a new level. In this step direct collaboration is intended. Co-working, side by side, in the same space in order to create even more intense communication devices. Devices that will enable an allround communication over long distances. The 2nd step comes along with a new approach according to the work-flow. To be in a close relation to other collaborators allows to create tools for communication that are transporting much more and deeper emotions, as the working spirit influence the output.
Visitors at D-caf festival will have the unique chance to explore and test these futuristic communication devices. Cutting-edge technologies combined with creative and artistic thinking will enable unforeseen encounters and exciting interactions.
Will a virtual laboratory be the working space in the future?
representative: Robert Bosch Stiftung, European Cultural Foundation, MitOst, Al Mawred Al Thaqafy, Anadolu KĂĽltĂĽr, DOEN Foundation und Mimeta
more informationen:
partners: Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau, represented by Joanna Szlauderbach & Medrar for Contemporary Art Kairo, represented by Dia Hamed
InterLAB is a cooperation projekt between Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. in Dresden and the Medrar for Contemporary Art in Cairo.
InterLAB is a project as part of the TANDEM- Programme for cultural managers, founded by MitOst e.V. and the European Cultural Foundation.