
A.P.P.I.A stands for audio::::presence::::performance::::immersive:::art_lab The A.P.P.I.A. Workshops are experimental spaces or laboratories where artists can experiment and develop interactive sound environments based on motion tracking system EyeCon by Frieder Weiß [http://eyecon.palindrome.de]. Its about future art, music and performing arts. * A.P.P.I.A. workshop Dnipropetrowsk 2012 * A.P.P.I.A. lab at CYNETART 2011 Mi. 16.11. | Fr 18.11. | Sa 19.11. & So 20.11. A.P.P.I.A (audio::::presence::::performance::::immersive:::art_lab) experimentelle performative Installation – TMA Projekt The Great Hall of the Festspielhaus Hellerau near Dresden forms the physical environment for different arrangements, dimensions and qualities of virtual sound environments, in conjunction with supportive forms of interactive visualization and lighting technology, all in the sense of Appia's ambition of a "physical space, that becomes is a vivid place when a body gives life to a room." The virtual rooms are also sound architectures that relate in new ways both to the designed modules of Appia and the musical rhythm, but at the same time critically take out this visionary. In different constellations differentiated body-and-sound experiences shall be made ​​possible in well differentiated visual environments, in the sense of an open and experimental performance space. The experiments for visitors as well as workshops, demonstrations and performances in various qualities developed virtual sound architectures are based on the sophisticated interplay of eight-camera motion-sensing systems.

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