Marke Eigenklang

The project "Marke Eigenklang" has the approach to bring sound and music as a form of mediation at the interfaces of culture, art and craft to the people of Westlausitz. Three cooperations with actively practicing artists and institutions are to be created and lead to joint events and offers. Through the networking of different actors in the cultural sector on the one hand and participatory offers on the other hand, a contribution to the intergenerational dialogue shall be created. The offers, which are carried out in communities of the Westlausitz, are directed at different target groups. On the one hand, the focus is on the cultural-musical promotion of children and young people, and on the other hand, on cross-generational work and the networking of cooperation partners.
How do we get people to act together? How do we get them to engage with the sounds and sound qualities of our immediate environment? How do we create good meeting opportunities where everyone feels comfortable and a balanced exchange is achieved?
We would like to answer these questions together with our cooperation partners in order to successfully establish participative and need-oriented offers in the Westlausitz region.
We act as an innovative laboratory in the region, in which the addressees are active participants in an event, in which exciting experiments and workshops can be tried out, as well as an impulse to explore one's own creative abilities, and in which the addressees are involved in the process.
Experiment music at the after-school program
• Target group: Children aged 4-12
• Partner: Medienlaboratorium im Hort Spatzennest, Pulsnitz
Through experiments and games, we want to trace the mystery of sound and make the concepts of vibration, sound, noise, rhythm and melody tangible. The idea is to create an innovative model for artistic and cultural education programs for after-school programs and schools. Each week, the program will be stored on a website and thus made accessible to all. The media laboratory is a project in which various experiments from a wide range of topics are carried out. The collaboration is intended to expand this about the encounter with sounds, music and other creative forms of expression, to include aesthetic education.
Ziele: Involve children in creative processes, strengthen the joy of experimentation, early musical education, develop ideas together with children and align them for their peers.
Workshop for instrument making, soldering, piece development
• Target group: open to all, intergenerational
• Partner: KulturReWir Orla e.V.
For the project to be effective, it is important to work together with a local cultural institution. The Orla e.V. is a meeting place for cultural workers with a residency program and pursues the goal of enabling intensive discussions on the project. In addition, the association offers workshops for children and young people and thus establishes itself with cultural-pedagogical offers in Wachau. We want to join this with a workshop offer of several days. In addition to areas such as an introduction to electrical engineering and soldering, the areas of recycling, use of resources, mindfulness training and collaborative work will be applied. We want to reuse objects and materials and create unique objects from them. The results will be presented within an exhibition/happening.
Participation in an international artist exchange
• Target group: All
• Partner: Kodekü Artist Residency Programme, Bischofswerda
We want to contribute to the Kodekü residency programme in Bischofswerda and show the results created within the project. Our action includes a workshop, concert and the presentation of video works. In the run-up we want to support a valuable exchange between Orla e.V. in Wachau and Kodekü in Bischofswerda and, in the spirit of networking, initiate future projects.
Sound Map of Westlausitz
• Target group: Open to all
• Partners: Artists from the surrounding area
With the project of an online sound map of Westlausitz we include the countryside, nature, communities and towns in a musical composition. And of course the people. As an open offer, we invite the population to participate. Make recordings, develop pieces, explore and learn technical applications. In this way, we want to go in search of sounds in the 12 communities of Westlausitz and let 12 musical works emerge from them. We want to explore the question of "sounds of the present / sounds of the past" and thus enter into a creative dialogue with the culture of the region. Beforehand, instruments will be made to explore the sounds.
The results will be shown effectively and creatively on a website. As a QR code board that leads to the sound pieces of the respective region, we make the results public and can thus be found in the city or village life. Schools, associations or other social institutions are specifically asked to participate in the campaign.

»Marke Eigenklang ist ein Projekt der TMA Hellerau und hat eine Laufzeit von zwei Jahren (2022-2023). Zuständig für die Durchführung der ELER-Förderung im Freistaat Sachsen ist das Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, Referat Förderstrategie, ELER-Verwaltungsbehörde.«
Tilman Pätzold, tilman.paetzold[ÄT]
Thomas Dumke, dumke[ÄT]