Mit dem cybernetic garden Algorave im Hole of Fame laden Sam Aaron, A N A K H E M I A und Evil Medvěd euch ein, aus dem Hole of Fame eine temporäre Tanzfläche zu machen.
#shapeplatform #algorave #davefestival #depart.one
Hole Of Fame, 8 p.m.
Sam Aaron
Sam Aaron’s futuristic cyberpunk music sets are improvised through the creation and manipulation of live code. Harnessing the power of hand-coded algorithms he surfs deterministic random streams to improvise unique rhythmic and melodic structures to dance to. Sam codes with Sonic Pi - free software he created used throughout the world to teach coding in schools making live coding music accessible to everyone.
Sam Aaron’s futuristic cyberpunk music sets are improvised through the creation and manipulation of live code. Harnessing the power of hand-coded algorithms he surfs deterministic random streams to improvise unique rhythmic and melodic structures to dance to. Sam codes with Sonic Pi - free software he created used throughout the world to teach coding in schools making live coding music accessible to everyone.
Faolán / Evil Medvěd (He/They)
Evil Medvěd is the project of Prague-based Faolán McGowan. His live sets are loaded with energy, chaotic and intricate, but playful, tender and personal at the same time. They first developed an interest in the modular way of thinking and making music through Bastl Instruments. Their approach is both an exploration and excavation of sounds from the analog system. He began to play live in 2018 and released his debut record in 2019 on the Prague label RedforColourBlind.
His live sets are only a part of his practice. He often holds workshops at Synth Library Prague, a feminist institution committed to the opening access to music technology as well as presenting a platform for critical thinking. Their work with Trigger collective focuses on mutual care, community-led organising with an aim to support Women* incl/and trans* people in the Prague music scene.
> https://soundcloud.com/evilmedved
> https://www.instagram.com/evilm___/
Evil Medvěd is the project of Prague-based Faolán McGowan. His live sets are loaded with energy, chaotic and intricate, but playful, tender and personal at the same time. They first developed an interest in the modular way of thinking and making music through Bastl Instruments. Their approach is both an exploration and excavation of sounds from the analog system. He began to play live in 2018 and released his debut record in 2019 on the Prague label RedforColourBlind.
His live sets are only a part of his practice. He often holds workshops at Synth Library Prague, a feminist institution committed to the opening access to music technology as well as presenting a platform for critical thinking. Their work with Trigger collective focuses on mutual care, community-led organising with an aim to support Women* incl/and trans* people in the Prague music scene.
> https://soundcloud.com/evilmedved
> https://www.instagram.com/evilm___/
ANAKHEMIA is the artist persona of Afra Khan who plays electronic mind-body music. Her mission is to inspire dialogue in the human psyche through the method of audio-visual storytelling. With deep-rooted interests in inter-planetary exploration, wireless technology and abstract sound frequencies, her music can be expected to flow through a canvas of sonic textures that are anti, raw, evocative, cinematic and avant-garde. Her artistic persona is sometimes deployed as a messenger for the contingent at Mothership 1711 orbiting in Galaxy RA. Growing up between places, with a majority of her childhood spent in Saudi Arabia, she finds the notions of conformity, belonging and identity very illusionary and dangerous ideas that reflect in the versatile sound of her music and live / DJ sets.
ANAKHEMIA is the artist persona of Afra Khan who plays electronic mind-body music. Her mission is to inspire dialogue in the human psyche through the method of audio-visual storytelling. With deep-rooted interests in inter-planetary exploration, wireless technology and abstract sound frequencies, her music can be expected to flow through a canvas of sonic textures that are anti, raw, evocative, cinematic and avant-garde. Her artistic persona is sometimes deployed as a messenger for the contingent at Mothership 1711 orbiting in Galaxy RA. Growing up between places, with a majority of her childhood spent in Saudi Arabia, she finds the notions of conformity, belonging and identity very illusionary and dangerous ideas that reflect in the versatile sound of her music and live / DJ sets.
> Youtube <https://www.youtube.com/+AnakhemiaOfficial> //
> Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/anakhemia>
> Youtube <https://www.youtube.com/+AnakhemiaOfficial> //
> Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/anakhemia>
+ 3G-Veranstaltung.
Es gilt weiterhin das Hygienekonzept des Hole of Fame, alle Infos findet ihr auch vor Ort oder hier: https://www.holeoffame.de/pages/covid-19-aktuelle-infos
Falls ihr euch krank fühlt, bleibt bitte aus Vorsicht zu Hause. Denkt an eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung.
Es gilt weiterhin das Hygienekonzept des Hole of Fame, alle Infos findet ihr auch vor Ort oder hier: https://www.holeoffame.de/pages/covid-19-aktuelle-infos
Falls ihr euch krank fühlt, bleibt bitte aus Vorsicht zu Hause. Denkt an eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung.
c h o r o s - cybernetic garden wird veranstaltet von der Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Netzwerk | Medien | Kunst, dem Kollektiv neue raeume;, dem DAVE Festival, der SHAPE Plattform sowie dem Hole of Fame, der Bastelbox und dem Büro für gute Maßnahmen und ist Teil des Projektes »c h o r o s – How to create a social technology of belonging«.
Das Projekt wird kofinanziert durch das Programm Kreatives Europa, dem Fonds Soziokultur aus Mitteln des Programms NEUSTART KULTUR der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) sowie der Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz.«
Veranstalter & Kooperationspartner: TMA Hellerau | neue raeume | NMK | depart.one | SHAPE platform | DAVE | Hole of Fame | Bastelbox | BfgM
gefördert durch: EU | NEUSTART KULTUR | BKM | Fonds Soziokultur | Stadt Dresden