VR Sound Islands Großharthau
The project took place from 07-13.08.2023 in Großharthau during the ongoing artist residency program Klanginseln Schlosspark Großharthau. The main venue was a former stable, which was converted into a studio and sound laboratory. We invited children and young people from Aktiv for kids eV Bischofswerda to explore VR worlds together with artists using VR glasses and integrate their own sound recordings into them. The activities carried out were integrated into the residency participants' other participatory activities.
The aim was to convey art projects as collaborative participation and an instrument for self-determined action. The meetings developed a good and open-minded atmosphere, whereby attention was paid to equality and respect for the other person. This also produced good results in the group work, such as voting processes in which everyone took part.
VR-Klanginseln Großharthau was carried out in cooperation with the association for democracy and diversity in the district of Bautzen, trägerverBUNT. tvBUNT is a network in the district of Bautzen made up of representatives from independent youth welfare organizations, educational institutions, youth associations, clubs, networks, regional initiatives, churches and political parties.
The actors are united by their concern about the growing influence of right-wing extremist ideas and actions in society, of comradeships and parties, as well as about the increasing number of neo-Nazi demonstrations and acts of violence in the region.