*************** LOCATIONS IN HELLERAU *************
* Festspielhaus Hellerau (Adresse: Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56)
Anfahrt: www.hellerau.org/service/#anreise
WANN: DO 15.11. / FR 16.11. / SA 17.11., SO 18.11., DIE 20.11. , MI 21.11., || THU, FRI, SAT, SUN, TUE, WED
short description: exhibition, talks, performances and workshops.
* Trans-Media-Labor Hellerau (Moritzburger Strasse 67, GebäudeEnsemble Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, Eingang D.) Anfahrtsweg
WANN: DIE 20. November || days: TUE 20th of November
short description: Only one night, special events, very limited.
*************** IN DER NEUSTADT / LOCATIONS IN THE NEUSTADT *************
* Club64 (Adresse: Louisenstrasse 64)
WANN: MO - SAM... 12 Nov - 17 Nov || days: Monday to Saturday 12th to 17th
short description: exhibition KAZOOSH!, CLUTTAR-installation and Skan,u Mežs Club Night at saturday.
* Altes Wettbüro (Adresse: Antonstrasse 8)
WANN: FR 16.11. / SA 17.11. / DI 20.11.
Kurzbeschreibung: NachtClub- und Musikprogramm
short description: International Night Clubbing program during CYNETART days
* Bon Voyage (Adresse: Louisenstrasse 77)
WANN: DO 15.11. / FR 16.11. / SA 17.11.
short description: Relaxed Café n hangout, close to Club64 in the Neustadt quarter.
* Scheune (Adresse: Alaunstraße 36)
Wann: SO 18. 11. || days: SUN 18th of November
*************** PRE FESTIVAL LOCATIONS: *************
* SPOT (*pre-festival, Alaunstraße 29)
Wann: FR, 9.11. || FRI _ 9 Nov ::: 5-7 pm
short description: press conference & SMSlingshot action
* Motorenhalle (*pre-festival, Wachsbleichstraße 4)
Wann: MI, 14.11. || WED _ 14 Nov ::: 8-11 pm
short description: Strongly selected video screening, PANORAMA_CYNETART
*************** AFTER FESTIVAL LOCATIONS: *************
* CLUB PAULA (*after-festival, Meschwitzstr. 14-16)
Wann: FR, 23.11. || FRI _ 23rd Nov ::: 10 pm
short description: Uncanny Valley presents Terre Thaemlitz’ House Music Alter Ego: DJ Sprinkles
*************** AUGMENTED REALITY LOCATIONS: *************
CYNET_ARt-CITY Locations
Tags: 2012, cynetart2012