Author Archives: TMA

Everything is music

8. April 2012 >> Everything is music Location: Altes WettbĂĽro Dresden, AntonstraĂźe 8, >> Dresden >> open: 22 Uhr \\ 9 EUR Jonsson & Alter (Kontra-Musik) Credit00 (Idealfun / Uncanny Valley) lo men crew ( >>


Networking Tomorrow’s Art for an Unknown Future A project by CTM within the 2nd Berlin Music Week event // 7. – 10. September 2011 // Festsaal Kreuzberg, Monarch, Palomabar, West Germany, Blumenbar Club CTM co-founded the network ICAS – International Cities of Advanced Sound. In total, 30 organisations and festivals on 5 continents joined forces […]

2011 june 29 BETWEEN | YOU | AND | ME – a wall of sound and light

June 29. CYNETARTist in residence Anke Eckhardt presents her multisensoric installation »BETWEEN | YOU | AND | ME«, a wall of sound and light. Experiments at Media Lab TMA Hellerau __________________________________________ with Thomas Dumke & Anke Eckardt BETWEEN | YOU | AND | ME – Multisensory Installation concept / realisation: Anke Eckardt programming: Peter Votava […]

Cultural Cooperation Placements Moldova – Ukraine – European Union

TMA Hellerau has been selected to take part in the first step of the project: study visit to Ukraine from May 16th to 22nd, 2011. The project „Tandem“, which was developed by the European Cultural Foundation ( and MitOst is carried out together with Centre for Cultural Management Lviv (, Soros Foundation Moldova ( and […]

Festival As Lab €10,000 Commission Awarded

A €10,000 Festival As Lab Commission was launched by the new European festivals network, ECAS. The commission called for projects that engage festival audiences and artists in a participatory experiment. This could be creating a new kind of artwork, a new form of participation, new understanding on technology, or a new and innovative way of […]

»Automatic Clubbing« at the club transmediale

presentation of »Automatic Clubbing« at the club transmediale Friday, 04.02. 2011 :::: 2pm 15 ::: Jacob Korn and CYNETART coordinator Thomas Dumke present the ideas behind »Automatic Clubbing« at the club transmediale, Berlin, “FESTIVAL AS LAB – SYMPOSIUM”. FESTIVAL AS LAB – SYMPOSIUM // 04/02 › HAU 1 The role of festivals has changed […]

ICAS Radio live from Berlin’s Club Transmediale.

CYNETART curator Thomas Dumke will be guest during the radio programme “Zeit-Ton” at friday, 4th of february 2011, 23.03 o’ clock. For more than ten years the Berlin based festival Club Transmediale has been an indicator for developments in the field of electronic music and clubculture. Of course the festival is an international meeting point […]

Videopodcasts #5 & #6

Netzkino.TV CYNETART 2010 podcast #5 in english language. Igor Sovilj ↲ says smth. about his online gallery »Art Zeppelin« ↲, visits the installation »LAG« ↲ and the movie »Drift« ↲ by Ulf Langheinrich ↲ and the audiovisual performance »Particle« ↲ by the London based DJ- and VJ-Kollektiv D-Fuse ↲. The final day at the CYNETART […]

VideoPodcasts #3 & #4

CYNETART Podcast #2 by

Thanks to Katharina Kämpfer and her team at video in german language. CYNETART 2010 Podcast #1

The first day of CYNETART 2010 in flowing pictures. Thanks to Katharina Kämpfer and

Musical insight view CYNETART 2010

These days, our friends from »Cosmic Listener« presented a special radio show, presenting this years festival musical highlights. Cosmic Listener October 2010: Cynetart Special by The Moroders Playlist: Kern – LBDD04 [Phonocake] Eduard Artemiew – Zerkalo Soundtrack Excerpt Eduard Artemiew – Stalker Soundtrack Excerpt Zerkalo – Experiment Zero [Frustrated Funk] Dopplereffekt – Scientist [International Deejay […]

LĂłpez Immersive Sound

Francisco LĂłpez’s ↲ concerts are immersive sonic experiences in the dark, with multi-channel surround systems and blindfolds provided for the public. Created from a myriad of original sound environments (both natural and artificial) collected from all over the world, they however do not present mere “soundscapes” but much rather virtual worlds of sound in which […]


audiovisual instrument (Dresden, 2010) by Jacob Korn und intolight ↲ UNCANNY HEROES is an interactive room application, which masterly connects club visitors, dance music and surrounding 3D graphics. It is a highly participative mix between a music live act and gaming environment. With body movements, visitors play on the installation like on a harmonic and […]


movie by Ulf Langheinrich ↲ DRIFT’s intent is to translate abstract forms of image and sound in both art and music into the cinematic space. The very superior image quality of the high definition digital formats and the technical set up of modern cinemas can be utilised as an extended space for art production. Granular […]


AV Performance by D-Fuse ↲ Cities exist on several different levels. Places that we know and live in have been superseded by spaces of flows, webs of connections for communication, exchange and control that have come to transcend the limitations of actual physical space. Traditional ideas of territory [spatial as well as ideological] have almost […]


Installation by DoppeldenkTM ↲ exhibition @ CYNETART 2010: ’ ! ’ ↲ | Transducers ↲ | Post Mortem ↲ | MoshPit Amp ↲ | [oszo 34]TM ↲ | WOPPOW ↲ | LAG ↲ | Default to Public ↲ | Mirror ↲ | ArtZeppelin ↲ | Radical ATM Service ↲ | FrĂĽhstĂĽck ↲

Radical ATM Service

Installation by Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano ↲ Regular ATMs are designed for the withdrawal of money. In contrast, Radical ATM is technically prepared to hijack users’ cards while it invites them to interact with it about alternative contents. InfoGrafic ***WARNING*** DO NOT ENTER YOUR PIN. This ATM belongs to Radical ATM Service. Your debit […]


Virtual Exhibition by Igor Sovilj ↲ The Imaginary Pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a project that started in 2007. It explores the imaginary aspect and the nature of political, juridical and social existence of the Bosnian state; deeply divided into two separate entities (Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). As […]


networked, interactive installation cooperation by Matthias Härtig, Johanna Roggan, Frieder Weiss and Michael Lotz ↲ download hiQ ↲ (Creative Commons 3.0, by attribute, non-commercial use, Photo by Robert Arnold) concept: johanna roggan & software: Kalypso [by Frieder Weiss], Ableton Live programming, development: special thanks to Frieder Weiss for assistance and support in kalypso […]

Default to Public : Audience

Tweetscreen by Jens Wunderling ↲ exhibition @ CYNETART 2010: ’ ! ’ ↲ | Transducers ↲ | Post Mortem ↲ | MoshPit Amp ↲ | [oszo 34]TM ↲ | WOPPOW ↲ | LAG ↲ | Default to Public ↲ | Mirror ↲ | ArtZeppelin ↲ | Radical ATM Service ↲ | FrĂĽhstĂĽck ↲


Installation by Ulf Langheinrich ↲ image sound composition: Ulf Langheinrich playback software version 2: Dirk Langheinrich laser-sync: Frieder WeiĂź LAG is a production of Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau in co-operation with Hellerau – European Centre of the Arts and EPIDEMIC. exhibition @ CYNETART 2010: ’ ! ’ ↲ | Transducers ↲ | Post Mortem ↲ | MoshPit […]


WOPPOW.NET UBERMORGEN.COM, 2009-10 WOPPOW is based on our research on the tribal and fashion aspects of Somali Pirates and Digital Pirate Crews. Initial Position: With more than 90 pirate attacks within 12 months – like the capture of Sirius Star (2008-2009), hundreds of miles out in the Indian Ocean – there are few secrets left. […]

[oszo 34]TM

Installation by Ritchie Riediger ↲ exhibition @ CYNETART 2010: ’ ! ’ ↲ | Transducers ↲ | Post Mortem ↲ | MoshPit Amp ↲ | [oszo 34]TM ↲ | WOPPOW ↲ | LAG ↲ | Default to Public ↲ | Mirror ↲ | ArtZeppelin ↲ | Radical ATM Service ↲ | FrĂĽhstĂĽck ↲

MoshPit Amp

Metal Head Orgasmotron (2009) by //////////fur//// ↲ The MoshPit Amp is an automata that converts headbanging movements into metal music. Through style and intensity of your head banging, you are the conductor of a virtual metal band consisting of four instruments: vocals, bass, drums and guitar. you can control the volume as well as the […]

Sensitive to Pleasure

Performative electric field sensing and sound environment by Sonia Cillari ↲ (performance duration: c. 2 hours) Co-produced by STEIM and Netherlands Media Art Institute in Amsterdam and Claudio Buziol Foundation in Venice. Supported by Fonds BKVB and Optofonica Laboratory for Immersive ArtScience in Amsterdam. Sensitive to Pleasure is a work about conflict, an intimate piece […]

Post Mortem

Installation by Jannis Kreft ↲ CYNETART award Dresdner Stiftung Kunst & Kultur der Ostsächsischen Sparkasse Dresden 2010 ↲ The multi user media installation Post Mortem is about the interactive exploration of the 336 hours after death. As soon as a user places his arm on the installati- on he is virtually dead and watches his […]


modular system by Verena Friedrich ↲ Winner of The CYNETART sponsorship award of the Saxon Ministry of Fine Arts 2010 ↲ photo1: © Max Schroeder TRANSDUCERS is an installation composed of several laboratory glass devices, each of which contains a unique element: A single human hair. In the course of preparation, hair samples were collected […]

’ ! ’

sound sculpture by Anke Eckardt ↲ CYNETART award 2010 : Artist-in-Residence-grant of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts ↲ SOUND SCULPTURE / MULTIMEDIA INSTALLATION Steel and plexiglas tank. Coloured fluid. Loudspeaker. Pneumatic technology. Light. MAX/MSP-programming. What compromises are we making when we try to settle on a particular interpretation of the world […]


Klangskulptur by Cod.Act ↲ A show-object, a fascinating sound sculpture! CYNETART award T-Systems Multimedia Solutions 2010 ↲ To start off, a desire to approach mechanisms that produce visible undulatory movements and to set them against the development of sound waves. A pendulum. And what if this pendulum was made up of horizontally articulated segments, if […]

Iván Kozenitzky & Federico Lazcano

Iván Kozenitzky. Architect, web designer and artist. Lives in Rosario, Argentina. He has been involved in different activist-media-art collectives. He took part in CatEaters, a communication guerrilla group. Since 2008 he has been involved in low tech subversive projects, like Radical ATM Service or The Call Center Experience. Federico Lazcano. Electronic engineer, musician and artist. […]

Oni Ayhun

Oni Ayhun’s music is (about) drama. OA makes records that combines disturbed dance music on the border to insanity with free dreamy drone stories without a beat. Like a surrealistic musical with a narrative based on associations, abstractions and confusion, the music is a journey through multiple settings and scenes. Visuals by MFO. Oni Ayhun […]


Traxx Playing LIVE**(special engagement)** and wax “Painters paint their pictures on canvas, musicians paint their pictures on silence.” Melvin Oliphant III aka Traxx Traxx is a lover of music — one with a passion so intense that it overcomes genre divides to weave an altogether original, exciting, and multi-textured musical fabric which envelops both the […]

Kali Avaaz musician artists @ CYNETART 2010: Annie Hall | Francisco LĂłpez | Jacob Korn und Intolight | Kali Avaaz | Ony Ayhun | Traxx | Uncanny Valley | Veronica Vasicka | Zerkalo

Jacob Korn und intolight

During CYNETART 2010 Intolight and Jacob Korn present the interactive sound installation »Uncanny Heroes« ↲. musician artists @ CYNETART 2010: Annie Hall | Francisco LĂłpez | Jacob Korn und Intolight | Kali Avaaz | Ony Ayhun | Traxx | Uncanny Valley | Veronica Vasicka | Zerkalo


D-Fuse are a London-based audiovisual art collective who use the creative potential of emerging technologies to explore social and environmental issues. Founded in the mid 90’s by Michael Faulkner, the group’s diverse creative backgrounds combine in a cross-disciplinary practice, including live multi-screen audio-visual performances, experimental documentary, photography, and temporary architectural installations. D-Fuse are widely recognised […]

Francisco LĂłpez

Francisco LĂłpez is internationally known as one of the major figures of the sound art and experimental music scene. Over the past 30 years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. Destroying boundaries between industrial sounds and wilderness sound environments, shifting with passion […]

Matthias Härtig, Johanna Roggan, Frieder Weiß und Michael Lotz

presenting: Mirror ↲ (Dresden, 2009) interactive, networked installation WeiĂź, Frieder [DE] Härtig, Matthias [DE] ↲ Roggan, Johanna [DE] ↲ Michael Lotz ↲ exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | […]

Igor Sovilj

Igor Sovilj will present the Art Zeppelin/Imaginary Pavillon of Bosnien and Herzegovina ↲ during CYNETART 2010 exhibition ↲. exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | […]

Doppeldenk™ Open publication – Free publishing – More alienation exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | Verena Friedrich | WHRL

Ritchie Riediger

During CYNETART 2010 his installation [oszo 34]TM ↲ can be seen at the exhibition ↲. exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | Verena Friedrich […]

Jens Wunderling

*1979 Jens Wunderling is a media artist and interaction designer with a professional background in graphic design, living and working in Berlin, Germany. Starting as a graphic designer in a design bureau mainly dealing with printed media and some webdesign, he began studying at the university of the arts, Berlin in 2003. Since 2004 he […]


ECAS – Networking Tomorrow’s Art For An Unknown Future is a new European festivals network, supported by the European Union within the CULTURE PROGRAMME (2007-2013). To launch the ECAS network, a Euro 10,000 Commission is available for a new project responding to the ECAS 2011 theme of Festival as Lab. This call for proposals seeks […]

8.10.2010 : Bohnerwachs-Phonocake-Showcase during Tonlagen Festival

»»»PLANETEN»»» Dresden has long boasted a very vibrant electronica music scene. Some artists are known outside the city, making music in other European countries, in Japan or the USA. Ten local musicians will be presenting special 20 minute interpretations in space, together with the city’s VJs – a kaleidoscope of electronic sounds – during the […]

Uncanny Valley musician artists @ CYNETART 2010: Annie Hall | Francisco LĂłpez | Jacob Korn und Intolight | Kali Avaaz | Ony Ayhun | Traxx | Uncanny Valley | Veronica Vasicka | Zerkalo

Veronica Vasicka

Veronica Vasicka was born in New York City to an Uruguayan mother and Czech father. At an early age, she had a passion for music and photography. She received her first Casio SK-1 â€toy’ synthesizer for Christmas at the age of 11 and was exposed to New Wave music cassettes via her old brother. At […]

Annie Hall

Annie Hall from Madrid is one of the most promising talents of the Spanish electronic music scene. In her DJ-sets Annie blends idm, electro, acid and techno in a unique way – always keeping the focus on the dancefloor. As a producer, she released her melodic futuristic electro on different labels, like Minuendo (Spain), Semantica […]


Zerkalo is an electronic music project coproduced by Victoria Lukas (Weltgeist, The O_P, Inkamera) and Heinrich Mueller (Arpanet, Dopplereffekt, Drexciya, Japanese Telecom). The first album, Stoi Storoni Zerkala, released in May 2009 at the label Clone Records (Clone Aqualung Series, Frustrated Funk). Zerkalo began as a musical collaboration between the composers Victoria Lukas and Heinrich […]

Volker Morawe und Tilman Reiff alias //////////fur//// exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | Verena Friedrich | WHRL feat. Annabe

UBERMORGEN.COM (AT/CH/USA, *1995) UBERMORGEN.COM is an artist duo created in Vienna, Austria, by lizvlx and Hans Bernhard. Behind UBERMORGEN.COM we can find one of the most unmatchable identities – controversial and iconoclastic – of the contemporary European techno-fine-art avant-garde. Their open circuit of conceptual art, drawing, software art, pixel painting, computer installations,, sculpture and […]

Sonia Cillari

Sonia Cillari – Italian media artist and architect, lives and works in Amsterdam. Her work involves the creation of sensorial and perceptual mechanisms in immersive and augmented environments. Her artistic investigation examines how patterns of consciousness, perception and identity emerge in such settings. Over the last years she has been specifically interested in research concerning […]

Ulf Langheinrich

Born in 1960, Wolfen, Sachsen Anhalt, Germany. Lives and works in Accra (Ghana) and Wien (Austria). When Ulf Langheinrich moved to Western Germany in 1984 he had left behind a 18 month military service in the National People’s Army of the GDR, social work supporting old people and a period of study in industrial design […]

Verena Friedrich

Verena Friedrich is an artist who avails herself of diverse media to develop concept-driven artworks dealing with the relations between humans, science and technology – mostly in the form of installations, objects and robotics. Verena Friedrich studied art and media at the University of Art and Design Offenbach, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and […]

Jannis Urle Kilian Kreft exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010: //////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | Verena Friedrich | WHRL

André und Michel Décosterd (Cod.Act)

Cod.Act Under the label Cod.Act, AndrĂ© and Michel DĂ©costerd combine their know-how. AndrĂ© is a musician, composer and sound plastician. Michel is an architect and plastician. Together they develop artistic productions such as performances and interactive installations. The basis of their approach is a reflection on sound, image and movement and their possible interaction. Michel […]

CYNETART 2010 Teaser

We are happy to announce first aspects of this years CYNETART programme. Get an idea of what the 14th edition of the festival from November 11th to 17th in the Festspielhaus Hellerau will offer its audience.The festival 2010 is closely connected to the international CYNETART competition. Out of the pool of more than 300 submissions […]

Anke Eckardt

artist and researcher. Born in Dresden (DE) in 1976. Lives and works in Berlin since 1994. Her work encompasses sculptures, installations as well as a theoretical discourse on the topic of the phenomenology of sounds. As part of her artistic research project â€Vertical Hearing’ she gave lectures at conferences like e.g. â€Sound, Sight, Space and […]

July 28: lecture in Dresden: Embodied and Distributed Knowledge in Social Networks ) case: (

Lecture this wednesday 8pm to 10pm @ MUSE 010 Palucca Schule Dresden. : Shared Movements: Embodied and Distributed Knowledge in Social Networks (case: by Marlon Barrios Solano (NYC/Dresden) creator of July 28, 2010; Organized By: Tanzplan Dresden He shares his experience with the platforms, dance-techTV and DANCE TECH as a sustainable model […]

“PONG” – European Tele-Plateaus | ETP project presentation of BitNet productions | May 25th 2010

“PONG” – net-linked, interactive installation | Eurpoean Tele-Plateaus Tuesday, may 25th | 7 – 10 pm Entrance free! From april 23rd to 25th the European Tele-Plateaus project partners TMA Hellerau (DE), REVERSO (ES) and CIANT (CZ) met in Norrköping (SE) at BitNet productions for their fourth and last workshop. As a result of the meeting in […]

microscope session :: are friends electric

9. Oktober 2009, 22 Uhr, Festspielhaus Hellerau – Dresden mit Dopplereffekt (live), credit00 und

Thomas Dumke

project management TMA Hellerau, project manager CYNETART Festival board member of TMA Hellerau member of the project team »film and new media«, of the Dresden city office for culture and historic preservation Masters course in modern and recent history, communication science and sociology at the TU Dresden, Masters course, Institute of Sociology in culture & […]

launch of the virtual parliament

11th of August 2009, 7pm | Schwarzburg, hotel WeiĂźer Hirsch Presentation on and launch of the platform in support of a political culture of the 21st century The election campaign of Barack Obama has shown how new forms of web-based political participation can mobilise and link people. The pilot scheme of the internet platform […]

Matthias Härtig

freier Mitarbeiter der freelance worker  at the Trans-Media-Akademie grafx, interactive systems participating in following projects: European Tele-Plateaus, CYNETART, microscope session TMA Laboratory interactive Systems (Eyecon, Kalypso, MAX/MSP/JITTER) part of the collective works together with finished studies in media technology at the HTW Mittweida email schreib eine email Trans-Media-Akademie unter anderem beiteiligt an folgenden Projekten: European Tele-Plateaus, CYNETART, microscope session […]

The Trans-Media-Laboratory opens for the occasion of the »Portrait after 100 years«

Hellerau art project on the traces of the present On the occasion of its centenary the association of the Hellerau citizens (registered assoc.) is hosting a multi-layered art event, which is going to be a living reflection of the historic garden village of Hellerau and their inhabitants. On this occasion TMA Hellerau is going to […]

ETP Phase 2 :: Workshop in Madrid

After finishing the successful ETP-workshop at the enter4-Festival in Prague from 18 to 25 April in 2009, the second international Workshop concerning the European Tele-Plateaus will take place in the Medialab Prado, Madrid. More than 40 participants from the region have announced to attend. Along with various ETP-artists, the workshop will concentrate on: Ensuring the […]

Jadwiga MĂĽller

Online strategist and social media expert Member of the CYNETART team since October 2008 In particular, she is in charge of the coordination of acitivites in social media. In addition to her studies of applied media sciences at the TU Ilmenau she supported the Web TV project “StreetLightsTV” as press officer.

Olaf Bargheer

Olaf Bargheer, aged 36, is the skipper of the Hamburg based scoop think tank, an agency for planning and strategy which aims at developping smart solutions for communication, media and brand management. His profund experiences in corporate magazine publishing and cross-media-marketing make Olaf Bargheer an expert and consultant for conception and content development of the […]

Susanne Bochmann


Dorothea Kupsch


Yvonne Bahr


Anett Herrmann


Andrada-Ioana Vaida


Johanna Roggan

Dancer, GYROKINESIS® teacher, worked with intolight at last CYNETart’s project IDOL Task, danced with the Dana Ruttenberg Dance Group in Tel Aviv. more info on

Albrecht Wassersleben

Director General Management TMA Hellerau e.V. * studies in BA – Business Administration / final paper on strategic direction of the society * organizer of House- and Technopartys in Dresden * joint proprietor and founder Uncanny Valley record label in Dresden * former head Soziokulturelles Treibhaus e.V. Döbeln

Nadja Voigt

Bachelor of arts in cultural studies at Technical University Dresden, bachelor thesis on aesthetic and medial coevolutions in modernism and postmodernism, since 2006: freelancer for DRESDNER cultural magazine and since june 2010 Assistance for CYNETart_2010_publication: acquisition, distribution and editorial contribution. Participation around the DIY festival »Räubertage«.

Michael Lotz

Different studies in the fields of media-informatics and media-production at the technical university and the BA Dresden, currently student in musicology and history of art, since june 2010 at TMA Hellerau as well assupport of technical management CYNETart festival. Interests in the fields Flash-animation/Programming, Print-Design, Audio-Design, Mixing/Recording. He is guitarist in the band »Blame Me«.

Parsec Monitor

freelancer, webprogrammer (u.a., social media expert (TMA), netlabel activist (Phonocake), born in 1977, Diploma in Information Sciences, Internships at Ars Electronica Linz, TU Electronic Music Studio Berlin and others.

start off! European Tele-Plateaus European Tele-Plateaus is an international initiative planned to run through 2010 with an aim to create publicly accessible networked audiovisual sites. The main objective is to make possible and support real-time sensory-physical interactions of people over long distances. Therefore, we work to establish a permanent network allowing for direct audiovisual real-time interactions between similarly […]


auf dem CYNETart_08-Blog!! In den nächsten Tagen und Wochen wird hier ein Schreiberteam ĂĽber alle  Ereignisse auf dem Festivalgelände – mit einigen Blicken hinter die Kulissen – berichten. Programmhinweise, -empfehlungen, Hinweise auf weitere interessante Werke der KĂĽnstler, Veranstalter, Mitorganisatoren sollen Themenschwerpunkt sein. Aber klickt selbst durch die Artikel!!

Body Navigation Festival, St. Petersburg

The TMA Hellerau will participate at the IV International festival of contemporary arts The BODY NAVIGATION, St. Petersburg (RU), 6-12 July, 2008 The Body navigation festival is a platform for artistic dialogue of European and Russian authors, working at the intersection of different kinds and genres of art: contemporary dance and performance, visual arts, music and […]

Trans-Media-Akademie/CYNETart at NODE.L (London)

Anja Dietel and Thomas Dumke will present the Dresden computer based art festival CYNETart at “Spring NODE.L ’08” on 12th of March in London (address: 2nd Floor, 17–25 Cremer Street, Shoreditch, London, E2 8HD). NODE.London is a seasonal gathering of media art, showing how London is budding with fresh exhibitions, discussions, musical events and participatory […]

Call for Entries for Light-Sound Festival transNATURALE 2008

The 3rd transNATURALE 2007 was an event with a mix of lake-light-projections, light-sound installations, a multi-media performance called „Boxberg-Time-Layers“, a presentation of eleven temporary art projects around the Bärwalde Lake as well as dance installations in the Uhyst Mansion. This festival clearly highlighted the unique connection of art and countryside in Saxony. Forty artists from […]

Call for entries for the 12th Festival of computer-based art CYNETart_08 (UPDATE!)

TMA Hellerau hosts this international competition of CYNETart, inviting artists and art groups to present their projects, every two years. They can apply with projects that fully utilise digital technologies in their conceptual, creative and performing processes, thereby opening up opportunities for digital performance and their relationship to factors such as time, space, physical presence […]

recension – The World as Virtual Environment

New Book: The World as Virtual Environment Topic: “Tele-Plateaus” Authors connected to Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau present their thoughts of virtual and almost global (world) communication in their collections of essays „The World as Virtual Environment“ published on the occasion of the CYNETart_07encounter festival. Authors with a background in media art, stage direction, electronic sound-composition, journalism, cultural […]

encounterBLOG 25 November, Sunday

this night/last night was the last night, full of sound and fury, as they say in Macbeth, great audio-visual environments and compositions, a visual-music marathon, Kirschner’s Puppenspiel (live digital animation), live gamepad coding by Dave Griffiths, and live sound performances in the concluding “convextion” session. convextion is a new word. the collaboration on the live […]

encounterBLOG // 24 November, Saturday

glow in the dark 2 performances by dancers of the Chunky Move Company charmed our audiences last night, one could sense the delight among the people who left the auditorium — these works were altogether successful in their apparent marriage of choreography and animated projection (interactive visuals). let us look at the marriage and at […]

Visual Music, Ein kleines Puppenspiel, microscope session

Location: Festspielhaus Hellerau/Dresden Date: Saturday, 24. November 2007 5pm »Visual Music Marathon Boston 2007«, Screening 8pm »Ein kleines Puppenspiel« (A Little Puppet Show) by Friedrich Kirschner (D) 9pm to midnight microscope session :: algorithmic improvisers Betablocker and Al Jazari: Gamepad live coded techno by Dave Griffiths (GB), Live Performance Convextion (USA) and

encounterBLOG // 23 November, Friday

2,5 degrees, grey skies, dry, occasional light raindrops. there is a rehearsal this afternoon, Glow is getting ready for its premiere tonight. as there are two dancers who each perform the solo, both of them will rehearse the full piece with the motion tracking system. the two dancers are Kristy Ayre and Sara Black. glow, […]

encounterBLOG 22 November, Thursday

dissolution in the atmospheric noise click here to see Video there was much discussion, many different viewpoints that were exchange, after the premiere of Movement A, and might come back to some of the issues mentioned in the debates. but we also need to look ahead, the Australian company, Chunky Move, has arrived, their luggage […]

»Glow« von Chunky Move Company

Location: Festspielhaus Hellerau/Dresden Date: Friday, 23 November 2007 Time: 8 and 9:30pm Admission: 10/8 Euro »Glow« is an illuminating choreographic essay by Artistic Director Gideon Obarzanek and interactive software creator Frieder Weiss. Beneath the glow of a sophisticated video tracking system, a lone organic being mutates in and out of human form into unfamiliar, sensual and […]

encounterBLOG 21 November, Wednesday

movement A: premiere of ‘dance in audio-visual environment’ by Ulf Langheinrich, with Toshiko Oiwa (dance), Dirk Langheinrich (software), Mayu SaSajima (costume). Festpielhaus Hellerau. as the audience walks into the hall and heads for the raked platforms on either side of the “dancefloor,” a pleasant disco sound embraces us. down on the dancefloor, a platin blonde […]

encounterBLOG 20 November, Tuesday

minus 1 degrees. it is cold, and we meet for warm up rehearsal at 14:oo in the dance stduio on the second floor of the west building. bring dance clothes and warm socks. later i shall begin reflecting on Toshiko’s dance Movement A. A Movement. (earlier titles of the new piece): this body this machine […]

»Touched Echo«

CYNETart_07encounter: Lecture by Markus Kison Location: 7. Stock, WilsdrufferstraĂźe 3, Am Pirnaischen Platz, Dresden Date: Thursday, 22 November 2007 Time: 8pm Markus Kison (winner of sponsorship award of the Saxon Ministry of Fine Arts 2006) develops interactive, networked, multimedia, exemplary installations for private and public areas, creates intuitive and entertaining dynamic communication forms. Thereby he […]

CYNETart_07encounter, »Movement A«

Location: Festspielhaus Hellerau/Dresden Date: November 21st, 2007 Time: 8pm »Movement A«, 45mins, world premiere Dance performance in the audiovisual environment by Ulf Langheinrich (AT/GH) with Toshiko Oiwa (JP).

encounterBLOG // 19 November, Monday

today is a resting day, there are no performances, but i will take a walk around the studios and exhibition areas and share some impressions of the installation by Mulleras Dance Company. 96 Details (96 Modules). films/interactive installation [created by Magali and Didier Mulleras; video/multimedia: Nicolas Grimal, Didier Mulleras; music/sound design: Didier Mulleras; Dancers: Magalie […]

encounterBLOG 18 November, third night

sunday afternoon featured Meeting Places: Art and Science, Performance in Real and in Virtual Hellerau. this project is a collaboration between King’s Visualization Lab (KVL, King’s College London) and TMA Hellerau with the aim of creating a mixed-reality installation that can extend a historical performance design concept (created in the beginning of the 20th century […]

encounterBLOG 17 November, second night

“The robot often cries. Why shouldn’t you?” 22:o1 the second night features a networked performance by two artists, currently in Hong Kong (China), who were invited to experiment with the concept of the “tele-plateaus” in their own unique manner. Ballettikka Internettikka Stattikka (enacted by Igor Stromajer and Brane Zorman) the audience take their seats just […]

encounterBLOG 16 November, 2007, opening night

encounter as “blog” is writing as if we were together, at this event, in this location (and its networked co-sites), communicating a shared experience. or experiences that perhaps need to be articulated and exchanged to obtain a sense of what this CYNETart festival aims to do. it’s the 11th edition of the computer-based arts festival […]


Location: Festspielhaus Hellerau/Dresden Date: november 17th, 2007 2pm to midnight »Tele-Plateaus_02«, public accessible installation 9pm »Se Mi Sei Vicino«, Interactive Performance by Sonia Cillari (NL) 10pm »Ballettikka Internettikka«, Guerrilla Net Performance by Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman (SL) Installation: »96 Détails«, Mulleras Dance Company (FR)


Welcome to CYNETart_07encounter Blog

microscope session :: tekknologik

:: date: 3. November 2007 :: venue: Motorenhalle – Projektzentrum fĂĽr zeitgenössische Kunst, Wachsbleichstr. 4a, 01067 Dresden :: entry: 8/4 € :: start: 7pm end: 10pm :: further informations: and :: artists & information HecQ + MFO: Aviorama (DE) [ MFO // hecq ] Motor + Nikita Tsymbal: Suprematic Transmissions (RU) [ top-40 // Nikita Tsymbal ] Mr. Incognito/Anaxy […]

sponsorship Saxony State Minister of Science and the Fine Arts – Touched Echo

»Touched Echo« von Markus Kison performative Installation BrĂĽhlsche Terrasse, Dresden 03.10.2007 to 30.10.2008 Every year millions of tourists visit BrĂĽhlsche Terrasse (BrĂĽhl’s Terrace) built on top of the Dresden city walls. At this historic place near the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) visitors enjoy the view across the river Elbe to the other part of […]

microscope session :: generator.x

venue: Festspielhaus Hellerau – Dresden, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 56 date: October 6th, 2007 start: 10 p.m. artists: Emi Maeda – Audio, Harfe und Elektronik + Lia – visuals (Japan/Austria) Phonophani – audio + Marius Watz – visuals (Norway) Frank Bretschneider – audio+visuals (Germany) entry: 8 / 4 EUR further informations: press pictures: GENERATOR.X: A […]

CYNETart Festival Presentation in Prague

Thomas Dumke, Project Director of CYNETart, will present 10 years of the CYNETart Festival at the CIANT GALLERY in Prague. Date: 12th of June 2007 more information

Christian Björklund – interactive pavillon

Christian Björklund from Sweden developed one project for the interactive pavillon in Dresden. Heres the orignal description from Christian. // The sound is basically four elements: A crackling noise, a piano like synth, a pad like synth and the drums. Looking at the EyeCon screenshot you can see that there are four lines defined, three […]

press review CYNETart_06humane

Download Pressespiegel CYNETart_06humane [pdf Datei]

review 2006 : projects

Download tma-projects.pdf [pdf Datei]