A.P.P.I.A. Workshop Dnipropetrovsk Download Cfp: ENGLISH:
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A.P.P.I.A. Workshop Dnipropetrovsk is a collaborative partnership between »Kvartira« Art Center Dnipropetrovsk [http://artkvartira.dp.ua] and Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau [http://t-m-a.de] in framework of project Tandem Cultural Cooperation Placements Ukraine – European Union – Moldova.
organizer: »Kvartira« Art Center Dnipropetrovsk & Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau
associated partners: Nexsound, Kvitnu, Deeplimit, ~taqueOT, DKK Deutscher KulturKlub

Tandem Hellerau-Dnipropetrovsk will help to launch a long-term collaboration on the field of virtual environments based on Motion-Sensing technology developed by TMA Hellerau & Frieder Weiß. Kvartira aims to concentrate this technology developement in Dnipropetrovsk and to create a sustainable laboratory for experiments and projects using this technology. We are going to find possibilities to arrange regular workshops and joint sessions for Ukrainian and German artists to work on projects, performances, installations in Ukraine and abroad.
One of our common ideas is to start an international New Media and Sound Art Festival in Dnipropetrovsk.
Днепропетровск: Julia Ovcharenko, E-mail: julia.owtscharenko@moe-kulturmanager.de
Дрезден: Thomas Dumke, E-mail: dumke@cynetart.de
Open Call for Workshop Participation – A.P.P.I.A.-Workshop Dnipropetrovsk – development and test of interactive sound environments (Virtual Environments)
A.P.P.I.A stands for audio::::presence::::performance::::immersive:::art_lab
The A.P.P.I.A. Workshops are experimental spaces or laboratories where artists can experiment and develop interactive sound environments based on motion tracking system EyeCon by Frieder Weiß [http://eyecon.palindrome.de]. Its about future art, music and performing arts.
Sound and media artists as well as other guests from relevant disciplines will be introduced to the fundamentals of production of virtual environments. This will happen within corresponding workshops. Moreover there is hardly a composer, who can grasp the nature of a virtual sound-space composition, that is only being realised by bodies in motion in a sensate and non-linear way. The content of artistic work in auditive virtual environments is focused on a cultural, mental and urban situation and on the mental of participating artists. Spoken languages, characteristic city sounds, typical music, as well as literary and other published texts form the input material for artistic compositions (audio processing).
We will favour proposals which promote the concept of the 'active participant' over traditional assumptions about passive audiences, and seek to involve audiences integrally in the project.
A.P.P.I.A. Workshop is held by TMA-experts Matthias Härtig (DS-X.org) (introduction to the Camera-Motion-Sensing technology), Jacob Korn (Uncanny Valley) (support in the fields of compositorial design, digital sound processing, interactive audio processing), and Johanna Roggan (TanzNetzDresden) (performer, dance & technology).
»sound specific movement for interactive environments® by Johanna Roggan
Taking an interactive environment as a given fact of a performance structure we will dig into sound specific movement coming from the interactive environment. How does the sound feel like in your body? How can we change the texture of the sound in order to make it more suitable to what we want to mediate towards an audience. And vice versa, how can we change movements until they fit to the sound? When and how is an interactive environment necessary? These and some more questions along those lines will guide us through the workshop.
Please note: workshop language will be English!
conditions for participations:
TMA Hellerau engages the artist to develop a new composition for the A.P.P.I.A. Lab project within this workshop. The new composition as it is prepared and formatted for the A.P.P.I.A. Lab will be archived by TMA. For future presentations after 2012 the artist will receive a small fee for the presentation of the work (e.g. CYNETART 2012).
Basic set-up will be provided by TMA Hellerau & »Kvartira« Art Center. Participants should bring their own computers, instruments and tools and should be familiar with MAX/MSP, Max4Live and Ableton Live.
The selected participants will receive a per diem for the workshop period in Dnipropetrovsk. The organizer will cover the costs for accomodation and travel for participants from other cities.
Each participant or group should write a short paragraph (in English) about an idea, which should be realized in framework of A.P.P.I.A. Workshop. Together with short notes about vita and artistic activities, link to sound examples (soundcloud or extra provided link), one page max., this submission should be sent until November 25th, 2011 to following adress: Andrey Kiritchenko, E-mail: andrey@nexsound.org
The registration will be confirmed by an E-mail.
Participation will be confirmed by an E-mail in December 2011.
The results of the workshop will be presented at the final event in Dnipropetrovsk, and will be integrated as one programme point at further public events.
This action will happen within corresponding 4 days workshops taking place at »Kvartira« Art Center Dnipropetrovsk by end of February 2012 (tbc).
Tags: appia, cfp, collaboration, international, tma, Workshop