»c h o r o s - How to create a social technology of belonging«.
The artistic project development of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. and the collective neue raeume; from Dresden asks the question how a social technology of belonging can be developed in the medium of translocal Virtual Reality (VR).
This question has particular implications for the sociocultural level of project realization. Taking into account performative action and virtual encounter, the project will be realized through local workshops and hackathons IRL, as well as flanked by a forum and online communication of media-artistic VR research. For it is precisely the activation and involvement of citizens, non-professionals and students online as well as offline already in the realization process that promotes and demands a rethinking of digital-social and aesthetic human-machine relations.
We would like to use the digital sphere of VR to explore the embodiment dimensions of VR in media art together with the participants of the hackathons and workshops in experimental ways. The enabling spaces with VR that emerge with a bottom-up principle are intended to catalyze the feeling of »being in the world« and thus sensitize self-perception and the perception of others. Through active digital co-creation and synesthetic experience, participants can question and re-explore their own habitual perceptions and assumptions about being in the (digital) world.
Sub-projects will take place until the end of December 2021 as follows:
c h o r o s - VR PLAYbour - September 28-October 6, 2021.
c h o r o s - cybernetic garden - October 12 to 17, 2021
c h o r o s - Metaformance Workshop - November 22 to 26, 2021
Primarily, however, we are not interested in making music together, but in applying collective methods and practices in the conceptualization, design, and implementation of artistically exploratory projects with a focus on interconnecting experiences of bodily presence and interspecific (interspecies) interactions in and with translocal, media environments.
For the continuation of this theme within CYNETART, TMA Hellerau cooperates with the collective neue raeume; and the partners of the Metabody network. Inspired by the Khorós concept and project of Jaime del Val - https://metabody.eu/khoros/ - from 2021 on, the activities of the TMA Hellerau will be under the guiding principle c h o r o s . Associated with this is the mediation and practice of a wide variety of physical performance and improvisation methods by artists and experts (including Katharina Groß, Charles Washington) in and on individual prototypical media environments. As a first impact, in November 2021 Jaime del Val will facilitate a metaformance workshop for non-reductive practices and techniques of movement, perception and relationship using the Khorós concept as an example.