Anke Eckardt

artist and researcher.
Born in Dresden (DE) in 1976. Lives and works in Berlin since 1994. Her work encompasses sculptures, installations as well as a theoretical discourse on the topic of the phenomenology of sounds. As part of her artistic research project ‘Vertical Hearing’ she gave lectures at conferences like e.g. ‘Sound, Sight, Space and Play’ in Demontford University (Leicester, UK) and produced the sound sculpture ‘ ! ’,
which was exhibited, amongst others, at ‘Hausklang’ (‘House of World Cultures’, Berlin, DE), ‘Esemplasticism’ (SPA, Berlin, DE, produced by dutch organisation TAG in cooperation with Berlin based Club Transmediale) and ‘Todaysart’ (Atrium, The Hague, NL). She received the ‘Career Advancement Grant’ from the ‘Federal Ministry of Education and Research’ for completing her ‘Master of Arts’ in ‘Sound Studies’ at the University of the Arts, Berlin. Furthermore she was awarded the six months ‘Artist-in-Residence-grant of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Fine Arts’ by the CYNETART-Jury in cooperation with the Saxon Capital City Dresden, which she will use to produce two new works in 2011. In addition, Anke Eckardt has a ten year background as a professional sound technician and production manager for music and art events.

CYNETART Workshop “Mit Klang im Raum arbeiten”
29.06.2011 BETWEEN | YOU | AND | ME – a wall of sound and light

exhibition artists @ CYNETART 2010:

//////////fur//// | Anke Eckardt | DoppeldenkTM | Igor Sovilj | Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano | Jannis Kreft | Jens Wunderling | Ritchie Riediger | feat. Annabe | Ulf Langheinrich | Verena Friedrich | WHRL

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