video credits: video - intolight & schnellebuntebilder; music - Jacob Korn; hosted at ARTE Creative

»Switchboy« is a VJ mixer for collaborative creation of reactive envirenments. Field of application are festivals and other public events. It is based on the computer software program vvvv (spoken v4).

The Dresden based agency »Intolight« developed the Switchboy in cooperation with video artists schnellebuntebilder and multi-talent Jacob Korn. Since years they work together in the fields of interactive platforms and systems, especially in the context of the CYNETART and the association Trans-Media-Akademie.

The video shows ECAS Award winner Intolight at a workshop during the FutureEverything festival 2011 in Manchester. ECAS is an acronym for European Cities of Advanced Sound, a cooperation network of electronic music festivals in Europe.

»Switchboy« is a part of intolight's project called »CHET« – Collective Hedonistic Environments Toolkit.


At this year's CYNETART edition in Dresden (16.-26.11. 2011) the audience will be able to dive into both an immersive and an interactive A/V-environment.

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