CYNETART 2022 – choros – cybernetic garden


October 27 to 30, 2022 at Büro für gute Maßnahmen & online

The CYNETART platform for artistic research and nomadic thinking will take place from October 27 to 30, 2022 in Dresden and online at A MAZE. / SPACE.

Visit the 2022 CYNETART choros platform web site at

The term "cybernetic garden" means collection, storage and translation of personal as well as environmental data. In this process, the virtual and the physical overlap through (re)animation of the data, blurring the boundaries between the fictional and the present. The audiovisual, aesthetic design of this connex finds its framing as a "garden" in the medium of virtual reality.

In the cybernetic garden, the artistic engagement with (digital) images of the self and the world are to grow together and be cultivated through "choral" practices. The title chorus refers to the communal in choral practices: collectively generating, creating, experiencing. Decentralized spaces and activities enable public participation over time and through multiple forms of interaction.

Artistic Participants

Katharina Groß, Charles Washington, Minh Duc Nguyen, Nkhensani Mkhari, Alesya Yakubouskaya, Aloïs Yang, Lisa Hoffmann, Alba T Álvarez, Artem Dyadichkin, Vitali Drazdovich, Jaime del Val, ANAKHEMIA, Bubblegum Club, DB Amorin, Maria Pätzold.

Program Overview

08.–30. October 2022

Streaming Together

Online streaming program with video works by ANAKHEMIA, Bubblegum Club, and DB Amorin.

access via

WED, 26 October 2022

BodyNet-Khorós - telematic space partner event with Metabody Toulouse / K.Dance

Büro für Gute Maßnahmen

Jaime del Val, Maria Pätzold, Alba T. Álvarez

online via:

27.–30. October 2022   

CYNETART choros - cybernetic garden A MAZE. / SPACE

online: CYNETART choros - cybernetic garden at A MAZE. / SPACE

access via:

THU, 27 October 2022, 7pm (CET) 

CYNETART choros - cybernetic garden opening - meet & greet

Büro für Gute Maßnahmen + A MAZE. / SPACE

FRI, 28 October 2022, 9pm (CET)

»Magandzelo«, Performance, guided meditation by Nkhensani Mhakari

Büro für Gute Maßnahmen + A MAZE. / SPACE

SAT 29 October 2022, 9pm (CET) 

»Atlas of Rhythms« Live Performance by Katharina Groß und Alba T. Álvarez

Büro für Gute Maßnahmen + A MAZE. / SPACE

SUN 30 October 2022, 6pm (CET)

»Atlas of Rhythms« Live Performance by Katharina Groß und Alba T. Álvarez

Büro für Gute Maßnahmen + A MAZE. / SPACE

All events are free of charge.

Technical requirements 

How to access A MAZE. / SPACE

The CYNETART Cybernetic Garden is a temporary project within the virtual multi-user space A MAZE. / SPACE. Accessing the A MAZE. / SPACE is possible anytime, but requires an extra installation of a launcher (available for Windows and Mac OS computers) as well as a quick registration in the A MAZE. / SPACE. The installation file can be downloaded here. The CYNETART Cybernetic Garden shows up during the festival time.

How to navigate A MAZE. / SPACE

The A MAZE. / SPACE supports two forms of navigation. The 3D space can be explored using the screen, mouse and keyboard. Additionally, the space can also be entered in VR using a Meta Quest or HTC Vive. Navigation by mouse and keyboard is the same as on this website. If you can navigate safely here, you are ready to explore the A MAZE. / SPACE. For those entering the space in VR, the normal controls of the respective VR goggles will apply.

Supporters / Partners

CYNETART choros - cybernetic garden is an event of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. in cooperation with the platform A MAZE. and the Netzwerk Medien Kunst Dresden and is developed as part of »dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions« of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation).

Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, and by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.
