»96 DETAILS« by Mulleras Dance Company


16th - 18th November, Foyer - Festspiehaus Hellerau


Choreography, artistic direction: Magali and Didier Mulleras
Video, multimedia: Nicolas Grimal, Didier Mulleras
Music, sound design: Didier Mulleras
Dancers: Magali Viguier-Mulleras, Severine Prunera, Elisabeth Nicol

96 Details - Mulleras Dance Company»96 DETAILS« is suite of artistic modules, a creative trip designed by Compagnie Mulleras (France), directed by choreographers Magali and Didier Mulleras, one of the first artists which enabled the setting in visibility of Dance on the Internet network. This long-term project proposes a fusion and interaction of distinct universes (dance, music, video, interactive and multimedia works) in polymorphic results, as a global, nomadic and hybrid artwork, where body and dance are hustled by a fragmentation made possible by new Medias.
As digital technology has infiltrated the world of dance, Mulleras dance troupe has been rolling »choreographic electrons« on the Internet over the past decade. These pioneers of digital dance, previously created Mini@tures, one of the first dance project specially created for the web, then Invisible, two memorable artworks both shown at CYNETart Festival.
Mulleras Dance Company is now touring worldwide, in almost each major cities and venues, and had already performed in twenty-five countries at this day. From web creations, launched to stage and screens works, Mulleras keeps on experimenting new paths and links between Dance, Film and Multimedia, thus continuing to invest the new artistic workspaces offered by new technologies.

Web site : www.mulleras.com

The »96 details« project has been helped by :
French Ministry of Culture / French Cinematography Center CNC Dicream / Region Languedoc-Roussillon / Theatre of Beziers / El Mediator Perpignan