»Se Mi Sei Vicino« by Sonia Cillari
interactive performance installation
Fri 16th November | 10pm
Sat 17th November | 9pm
Sun 18th November | 6pm
Festspielhaus Hellerau, Oberlichtsaal Ost
environment programming: pix [aka Steven Pickles]
Sound Design: Tobias Grewenig
Entwicklung des Electric Field Sensing Interface: STEIM Amsterdam, [Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music] [Jorgen Brinkman and René Wassenburg on schematics by Kees Reedijk]

The interactive performance/installation »Se Mi Sei Vicino« (If you are close to me) is a practical research into Body Environment interaction and the possibilities of using the 'Body as Interface'. A core element of the work is a sensor floor on which a performer is standing, functioning as a human antenna; when coming close to or being touched by members of the audience, the movements of the bodies are registered as electromagnetic activity. Surrounding the floor are large projections showing computer graphics, which change their form according to fluctuations in the electromagnetic field. The relative distance between the bodies determines what can be seen and heard. »Se Mi Sei Vicino« has to be considered in relation with the tradition of performance and installation art, which problematizes the distinction between active performers and passive spectators. The fact that the audience is requested a full bodily commitment that includes movement and touch besides sight and hearing makes that the boundaries of passivity and activity are blurred; everybody becomes a potential performer.
A production of the Netherland Media Art Institute Amsterdam with the support of Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten. Funded by Royal Netherlands Embassy Berlin.
Sonia Cillari: http://www.soniacillari.net/