stfu - festival for independent electronic music

TMA Hellerau / CYNETART are co-organizer / partner of the STFU festival 2012 in Dresden.

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Freitag 13.07.2012 – Sonntag 15.07.2012
Altes Wettbüro, Antonstraße 8, 01097 Dresden

"STFU is an open international collective of electronic music artists, which has formed and grown on the internet. Its members occasionally come together in the real world to make electronic music events happen. The result is the STFU festival: one or more days devoted to sharing the passion for electronic music. The STFU festival travels around Europe, connecting to the local scene at each destination and establishing a diverse international network of artists and enthusiasts."

Altes Wettbüro Dresden
Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V.

Fat Fenders

Die Siebdrucker - Siebdruck aus Dresden - Aufkleber
Wildsmile Studios Advanced Media Solutions

media partners: >

long Info

What is STFU?
STFU is an open collective of electronic musicians and visual artists who use the internet as their main means of communication. It is a network of groups and individuals who come together to make live electronic music events happen.

How does it work?
An individual or group of individuals take the lead to make an event happen in their area. The STFU site is designed to provide a focal point for information regarding events. It is designed to inform people that events are being planned and to provide feedback from past events.

Netaudio in the Real World
Martin Hirsch created a documentary that follows the 2005 STFU Glasgow festival, featuring concert footage, visuals and interviews with many of the participants. More info and download options here:

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(Translation of the text used to promote STFU Athens 2008)

STFU is an international electronic music festival showcasing independent artists and labels. The festival moves from city to city and has already taken place in more than a dozen cities in Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and the UK. It is organized by one or more members of the STFU collective and lasts two or three days.

Apart from live concerts and dj sets, the festival hosts workshops related to the creation of digital art, as well as side-happenings like video projections, installations and exhibitions. Also, visual artists perform alongside musicians during the concerts.

Through the interdisciplinary framework of the festival, audience and performers are urged to engage into a mutually inspiring dialogue in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Some of the purposes of this process are the popularization of digital art creation, the exchange of innovative techniques and ideas and the development of international networks for collaborative creation.

The kernel of the STFU collective was first formed on the internet and comprised of independent label owners and artists, including both professionals and amateurs. The resulting community was, and still is, a source of inspiration for its members, the number of which has grown through the years.

After some time the collective realized that there is no reason to limit itself within the web: if it is possible to create an online electronic music scene, independent of commerce and sponsors, only through the joint effort of a few people, then it should be possible to bring this scene into the real world as well. And thus STFU was born.

In 2006, during STFU Weimar, Martin Hirsch shot his documentary "Net Audio in the Real World". It was released by Hippocamp, a popular netlabel among independent electronic music enthusiasts, and led to a new wave of interest in STFU. Siz years later, the festival has traveled around Europe, picking up momentum on its way, and Dresden is its next station.

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