“DISORIENTATIONS & AMORPHOGENESIS” – ETP_Final Presentation | 25th-27th June 2010

ETP is a European project in which physical interaction spaces in four cities (Dresden, Prague, Norrköping and Madrid) are connected through the internet in order to generate a common audiovisual environment for interactive dance performances and installations. On this occasion the two concepts produced by the project partners from Prague and Madrid will be jointly presented in the last official public presentation of the project that ends in June 2010.

DISORIENTATIONS – Abstract telematics, amorphous presence and proximity without identity – is an environment for installation and performance that conveys a sense of abstract, amorphous telematic presence, of intimacy and proximity without identity, exploring the limits of the legible or recognisable: illegible bodies that generate chains of data without meaning, a datamining of the absurd. A system of body de-visualisation, a machine for the disorientation of desire, produced by the ETP Group Madrid, and Jaime del Val_REVERSO, in collaboration with the group Common Body, from the laboratory of Social Commons at the Medialab Prado.

AMORPHOGENESIS – Post-anatomic architecture, real virtuality and non-Cartesian body-spaces. Produced for ETP by CIANT (Prague) in collaboration with Jaime del Val, is a performance and installation environment based upon a concept of digital interactive or generative architecture in which amorphous 3D structures are transformed through the movement of bodies in the physical installation spaces of the four networked European cities. Four human and post-human 3D characters (a female, a male, a transsexual and an alien) are being interactively deformed and transformed into abstract architectures, each one relating to one of the four European cities. The project proposes the development of liquid amorphous spaces, far away from the aesthetics of simulation: not a virtual reality, but a real virtuality for a relational collective architecture across the EU. A laboratory for embodied experience, for redefining sensation, relationality and presence beyond the ideas of identity and form of late-capitalist digital culture.

Freitag, 25. bis Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010
Installation: 15:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Tanz-Performance: 20:00 Uhr

Der Eintritt ist frei!

Trans-Media-Labor im GebäudeEnsemble Deutschen Werkstätten Hellerau
Moritzburger Weg 67 | 01109 Dresden (Eingang D, 2. Etage, TĂĽr links)
Dancers: Johanna Roggan & Simone Model
Coordination: Matthias Härtig and the ETP-Group-Dresden: Klaus Nicolai, Johanna Roggan, Vanessa Di Leonardo, Thomas Dumke, Julia Rülicke, Michael Piéc, Sven Dämmig
Julia Rülicke, Michael Piéc

Paseo del Prado 36 | 28014 Madrid
Dancers: Muriel Romero & Jorge Tieffenberg
Coordination: Jaime del Val_REVERSO and ETP Group-Madrid: Francesca Mereu, Montfrague Fernandez, Carmela Saro

Tingstagatan 3b, 60229 Norrköping
Dancers: Tina Carlsson & Johan Melin
Coordination: Johan Melin

Installation + Dance-Performance:
Elemantary artistic school in TelÄŤ
No. 71 Zachariàše z Hradce Square
58856 TelÄŤ
in Front of CTU Gebäude
No. 3 Zachariàše z Hradce Square
58856 TelÄŤ
Dancers: Johana Matoušková & Adéla Petáková
Coordination: Pavel Smetana and ETP Group-CIANT: Stephane Kyles, Michal Marianek, Mathieu Allaert, Jasper Kindt, Michal Máša

Concept & Coordination: Jaime del Val_REVERSO and ETP Group-Madrid: Francesca Mereu, Montfrague Fernandez, Carmela Saro | Graphics: Kalypso-Frieder Weiss and Matthias Härtig
| Sound: REVERSO

Concept: Jaime del Val
| Coordination: CIANT |
3D Graphics: CiantClient-Stephane Kyles
| Sound: Michal Marianek

A joint venture production of the following partners: CIANT Prague (CZ), REVERSO Madrid (ES), BitNet Norrköping (SE) and TMA Hellerau (DE). Supported by theCulture Programme (2007-2013) of the European Commission

Further information: http://european-tele-plateaus.eu

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