Großer Saal, Freitag, 18.11, 21h

Lighting Design meets Choreography and Composition
::: translating light and movement into sound
Videolink: (research)
“Bodyscapes_corpoPhonolux” is a multidimensional interactive installation connecting synaesthetically the visual and spatial sense with hearing. The basic idea of this project is the translation of light into sound – to transform what we see simutaneously in an acoustic soundscape. The performer becomes “sensor” and interactive element at the same time. Along the dancer‘s body are 8 lightsensors installed, measuring steadily the various intensities and colours of light on selected points along the body surface (joints, head, etc...) The dancer is passing through different light situations. Sensors are influenced by way and quality of movement in space, plasticity of the body and different lighting and projection ambiances by the surrounding structure. The symbiosis of movement and different lighting situations are the two equal "masters" of the composition. As if someone is playing the piano, the dancer is playing the “space” with his body like an instrument - like an orgue of movement, with each sensor equally tuned. Finally the performance on stage becomes a 3dimensional improvisation between the lighting design and the dancer. Each gesture can be heard. One major factor is the spatial distribution of loudspeakers in a 360° area around the spectator. Each sensor is directly connected to one loudspeaker, so the acoustic output of each single sensor can be directly assigned within space for the spectator. Therefore the soundscape becomes a direct acoustic illustration of the body’s surface in space.
Idea/Choreography/Performance: Veronika Mayerböck
Sound/Composition:Noid;; IT/Multimedia:Simon Laburda
Photocredits: Konstanze Mayerböck, Monika Perner
Art on Wires-Festival in Oslo(NO)/May2010;;
Posthof Linz-Heimspiel /Feb2011;; Schmiede- Hallein 2011;;
Transmediale Hellerau - Cynetart - Festival Dresden(D) /Nov2011

MSc Veronika Mayerböck (A)
*2.8.1981 in Cologne / Germany
Veronika Mayerböck is working as freelance performer/
dancer&choreographer, lighting designer and artist. Fascinated of the symbiosis between architecture and dance she followed the formation in contemporary dance already in parallel to her studies of Architecture (TU-Graz) a.o. with Mona May (A) , Frey Faust (US) and many other teachers. Later continuous further training in the various fields of dance, improvisation, choreography and composition in Austria, France, Hungary, Brazil and Argentina. Since 2008 living in Vienna. After 2 years of working activity as professional lighting designer for several offices and companies, she decides to work freelance as performing artist with the end of 2009.
Guiding workshops with students in the field of space/bodyperception and lighting design. Installation- and performanceworks with impact on light- and spaceperception in Belgium, Norway, France and Austria. Further collaboration with performing artists like Anne Juren, Frans Poelstra & Robert Stein, Milli Bitterli, Bert Gstettner, Sebastian Prantl, Akemi Takeya, Moe Yamamoto / Butoh Cie Kanazawa Butoh Kann (Jp).
Awarded in the scope of „Labormarathon-Tanztage 2009" at Linzer Posthof for her first Soloperformance "A_SLEEP.would you listen?“.
In May 2010 stipendium from Electronic Arts Festival „Arts on Wires“ ( in Oslo/Norway for her interactive Performance-project »BODYSCAPES_corpophonolux«; In June 2010 START Stipendium by the Austrian Ministry of Arts and Culture (BMUKK). In the scope of Heimspiel at Linzer POSTHOF she presented her current performance works within an own evening in February 2011 and the piece BOA SORTE together with Nanina Kotlowski(A) at Kulturhuset Stockholm in August 2011. A new dance piece "one rotten day in paradise" together with Gisela Elisa Heredia (Arg/A) is currently in elaboration.
*1970, living in vienna
composer . performer . improviser | auricular . cello . electronic devices
his musical approach can be described as fundamental research. his works span a wide range of contradictory outcome, from solos to compositions for ensembles, from sound installations to videos. using electronics as well as acoustical instruments. consequently denying the borderline between music and sound-art. this lead him to collaborations with artists of different fields - choreographers, like joao fiadeiro, colette sadler, akemi takeya, philipp gehmacher, etc... - visual artists as for instance andré goncalves.
beside his long term improvisation ensembles: b:f:n [w/ cordula boesze and wolfgang fuchs] and ease [w/ klaus filip] he performed among others with: kazuhisa uchihashi, susanna gartmayer, taku unami, okkyung lee, o.blaat, marco eneidi, axel doerner, christian weber, erikM, dieb13, burkhard stangl, yan jun, franz hautzinger, taku han-noda, carl stone, mattin, billy roisz, hankil ryu, etc;; in his understanding composition and improvisation cannot be seen as separated: improvisation is the base of composition, and composition is the base for improvisation. „how can we compose without destroying more than we are able to evoke?
how can we improvise without just repeating the same patterns (while feeling ‚so free‘)?“
Freelance programmer and electronics designer, currently living in Vienna where he is member of the multimedia collective DKIA ( and further employed as network administrator at a small company. During the last years he was in charge of hard- and softwaredevelopment in a number of new media art projects such as LEDsMob (an interactive flexible LED-screen installation), the "Lightheadproject" (radio controlled helmets flashing to the beat of the music) and the „Hörverbindung zur Quelle" - a solar powered modified phone booth allowing users to listen to the gurgling noise of the fountains from Vienna‘s water supply . In 2010 and 2011 he led an electronics workshop at the „art.on.wires festival” in Oslo/Norway.
Tags: CYNETART2011, light, Performance