microscope session :: tekknologik

Logo ms
:: date: 3. November 2007
:: venue: Motorenhalle – Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Wachsbleichstr. 4a, 01067 Dresden
:: entry: 8/4 €
:: start: 7pm end: 10pm
:: further informations: DS-X.org and http://www.elektrifizierungdergehirne.de


:: artists & information
HecQ + MFO: Aviorama (DE) [ MFO // hecq ]
Motor + Nikita Tsymbal: Suprematic Transmissions (RU) [ top-40 // Nikita Tsymbal ]
Mr. Incognito/Anaxy + DS-X.org (DE) [ phonocake.org ]

Nikita Tsymbal
»Our project is called ›Suprematic transmissions‹-
(supremus (lat.) – the maximum, the highest; the first; last, extreme…
It is reference to theory of SUPREMATISM of K. Malevich. In the end 1910 – 1920th years Malevich has proved value of a suprematism as universal art and existence. The main element of suprematic Malevich’s works is a square.
Then there will be combinations of squares, crosses, circles, rectangulars, less often triangles, trapezoids, ellipsoids. Square, however, geometrical S.Malevich’s basis. It saw in a square and certain intrinsic signs on human life: a black square ›a sign on economy‹; red ›a signal of revolution‹; white ›pure action‹, ›a sign on cleanliness of a human creative life‹, and any deep breaks in Anything, as something indescribable and not uttered, but felt.
›Square is an icon of ideal‹.
›Square is a landscape of Invisible‹
What it that ›landscape of Invisible‹ nova days? Yeah… DATA! And Black Square- Data medium and processor!
In this connection we are continuers of theory of Suprematism. We supplemented the ideas of the beginnig of 20th century with ingredients and technologies of the beginning of 21st.«

MFO: Aviorama
MFO is a Leipzig based video artist, VJ and music video producer. Starting 2001 with synthetic graphics he fluently developed today’s form of his fragmentary, playful approach to work with pictures.
Driven by sound MFO builds visual impressions. His starting material is the real world: greyed architecture, systematically guided human traffic, the pulse of public life – broken down to its elementary building blocks and animated by the use of self-developed software.

Ben Boysen about his album »0000«:
»my motivation as a musician is to process my various influences. these 17 tracks can be seen as a distillate of experiences lasting 24 months. oftenly an artist can not remember the exact reasons for writing a track, he can only remember the specific mood, the moment and / or the atmosphere as origins. therefore, track names seemed redundant for this album. for me, 0000 can be seen as a substantial collection of filtered impressions and tiny interludes – or as a digital-acoustic diary. and letting other artists lay hands on these very personal impressions shows a new perspective to the own perception – what makes the entire work more multilateral and much more exiting…« (b.boysen / hecq)

»microscope session :: tekknologik« is a project by TMA Hellerau in cooperation with riesa efau. It is supported by the Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen und Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

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