Radical ATM Service

by Iván Kozenitzky und Frederico Lazcano ↲

Radical ATM Service

Regular ATMs are designed for the withdrawal of money. In contrast, Radical ATM is technically prepared to hijack users’ cards while it invites them to interact with it about alternative contents.


This ATM belongs to Radical ATM Service.
Your debit card has been hijacked.
You will get it back safe and sound. We won’t take any money or information from you. Please, do not panic. We’re not recording you, so you can behave naturally.

Then, the user will be able to select among multiple options—quite different from ordinary ATMs—such as playing cool “radical games”, watching documentaries, listening to music, etc. Each one features such topics as environmental protection, struggle against multinational corporations, community organizations that develop new types of social networks based on innovative models, among others.
After this educational program, the user will be invited to pick up his/her card, and, instead of getting money, they will receive a set of stickers with cool anti-capitalist statements.

exhibition @ CYNETART 2010:

’ ! ’ | Transducers | Post Mortem | MoshPit Amp | [oszo 34]TM | WOPPOW | LAG | Default to Public | Mirror | ArtZeppelin | Radical ATM Service | Frühstück

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