ETP Phase 2 :: Workshop in Madrid

After finishing the successful ETP-workshop at the enter4-Festival in Prague from 18 to 25 April in 2009, the second international Workshop concerning the European Tele-Plateaus will take place in the Medialab Prado, Madrid. More than 40 participants from the region have announced to attend.

Along with various ETP-artists, the workshop will concentrate on:

  • Ensuring the technical networking and implementation of net-supported interaction of several distant participants
  • Scheduling and advancement of interactive networked virtual envirnonments.

The participants of the workshop will be offered the possibility to become acquainted with the functionality of the Camera-Motion-Sensing-System that is used in the context of ETP. They will be able to contribute in the technical, artistical and conceptual development. Under the leadership of reverso, terms of body-telematic presence should be ascertained, which are avoiding the presentation of precisely identifiable shapes and rather create spacial, acoustical and visual amorphous perceptions of presence. That way, a criticism on the model of the telematic communication in the information society should be raised.
