Audience Participation in Digital Culture: CYNETart-presentation in der CIANT Gallery, Mini-Symposium in Prag
Presentation on friday, 23th May 2008, 12 pm in the CIANT Gallery, Prague
New Media Art Audiences :: Who cares about art in the information age?
This mini-symposium is an opportunity to engage with the evolving nature of audience in the field of new media art. We aim to do this by bringing together cultural practicioners, curators, festival directors, communication officers as well as artists, and by providing a platform for different perspectives and informed debate. The event will comprise a series of presentations from practitioners within the field followed by wider panel discussions including further invited participants.
Likely themes/questions to be addressed might include:
• The natures and identities of new media art events (products, processes, visitor experiences)
• Different professional perspectives on new media creativity, curatorship and programming, e.g. those of the artist, artist-curator, curator, technician, educator, artist-educator, conservator, academic etc.
more infos: